
Pure Coach

Elias Mahmoodi

I am a coach , a companion.

After long studies , experiences and enthusiasm to help others to develop their selves , now i have a little published book full of transformational concepts , questions and practices and of course more readiness and enthusiasm for be with you in the journey of changing to a better transcription of yourself.

Everyone of us needs to hope , energy , commitment and at the end possibilities. with a companion in the way , this journey will be more effective , easier and definitely possible.

I’m  with you , don’t hesitate to ask your questions . Share with me your dreams and wants.

You will deserve all of them and even better. with companion of a COACH.

I Help You

First of all , i want to describe more about the whale meaning of coaching and its impacts.

When you are with a coach that worked and is working on her/himself , you receive the effects of inner-working. 

Coaching is an art and lifestyle more rather than a science or knowledge.

Companion and of course the experiences and wisdom of a coach is the main impact on anybody. So selecting a coach and going the journey of life with she/he is the most important part of this process.

These days I give my ideas  in , ” Creation Workshop “.


Creation Workshop

Pure and amazing conversation with pure coach about relation between conscious and creation in your life.


A little book for inner-leadership

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